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NCFE - Level 4 Promoting health and well-being through Physical Activity and Nutrition Co-ordination (PANCo) in the Early Years

PANCo NCFE - Level 4 Promoting health and well-being

In this Ofsted recognised course delegates will examine the benefits of physical activity and the importance of diet to the health and well-being of babies and children.


The PANCo qualification and role is a beacon for quality provision in theearly years and has been designed as a well-being-in-action intervention that promotes positive nutrition and physical activity to support the prevention of obesity within early years settings. The PANCo qualification gives Early Years Educators a robust knowledge base about healthy.​


Delegates must hold a level 3 Early Years qualification and ideally hold a room leader or senior role within their setting.

The assessment for this unit will involve producing a plan for a strategic initiative/activity to support physical activity and/or healthy eating in own setting. The plan must reflect positive outcomes for own setting and show wider impact for early years practice. There must be evidence of research.


2 hour course followed by work place training and assesment


Latest course dates -



Cost - £350



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